
Sun Surf by Toyo Enterprises - Hawaiian Shirt H...
Who doesn’t love a Hawaiian shirt…? You don’t just have to be a largeAmerican tourist or connoisseur of vintage Aloha shirts to pull them off.Everyone from US presidents to lay...

PF Flyers, From Posture to Performance | Pickin...
Spring has sprung (continues to spring!) and with it you can put your boots on the backseat and embrace lighter footwear. One of our staples for Spring and Summer here...

Nigel Cabourn Authentic - Made in the United Ki...
There are few designers in England with the personality, enthusiasm and experience of Nigel Cabourn. At 68 years old he shows absolutely no sign of slowing down and, if anything...

Runabout Goods - Take Ivy for Spring and Summer
As the days get lighter and the temperatures hopefully soar we all need some lighter garments in the arsenal. It’s not easy for any designer, especially when people are wearing...

Filson Bags & Luggage - Built to Last
A good bag is like a good pair of boots or a good leather jacket, it is something that will travel with you as you go through life and it's...
Anonymous Ism - Specialist Craft Knitted Socks ...
Years ago before I had ever been to Japan, a friend who had recently returned told me, amongst the gargantuan amount of things to do whilst there, was to buy...

Oak Street Bootmakers - Damn Good Boots and Sho...
The Americans really do make good boots. It probably has a whole lot to do with their industries, terrain, size and huge growth from settlers colony to capitalist superpower, but...

Winter's Setting In
Those of you lucky enough to be stoking fires at home will have noticed that the temperature is dropping and will continue to do so. As winter approaches, we have...

Monitaly by Meg Company - Tenacious for Quality
Long standing patrons of Pickings and Parry will already be familiar with the top notch footwear of California-based Yuketen. As well as recently receiving a batch of their luxe, Birkenstock-inspired...

Nigel Cabourn - SS17 Look Book Images
Our friends at Nigel Cabourn's Tokyo HQ have put together a very nice seasonal look book for SS17. This showcases a sample of the collection across all three menswear sections...

Cost/Wear and the Value of Buying Better
After our recent involvement in the 'Let's Talk About Denim' panel discussion at ACMI, following their screening of Weaving Shibusa (a very good documentary on Japanese Denim) we felt it...

The Next Step: Heffernan & Haire
It's been a while now that we've been bringing you our particular curation of quality goods; in fact, it's been about five years since our journey to this point began....

Nigel Cabourn SS17 Collection - Desert Rats
It's fairly safe to say that Nigel Cabourn is a very important figure in the world of menswear today. Not only has he been involved in the design and production...

Weaving Shibusa - Japanese Denim at ACMI
Last week the Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival began (VMAFF) to much fanfare and, whilst what we do is generally far removed from the realm of catwalk shows, it is still...

Rebel Rebel; The Leather Jacket
What do James Dean, Albert Einstein and a WW1 German Fighter Pilot have in common? The beginnings of a bad joke? Or just three names from an infinitely long list...

FILSON - A Story of Stubbornness
"To our customers: if a man is going North, he should come to us for his outfit, because we have obtained our ideas of what is best to wear in...

John Lofgren Engineer Boots - Uncompromising Qu...
If I had to describe John Lofgren in one word it would be “uncompromising”. I’ve never designed and manufactured a shoe (although I did once knit a child’s boot from...

Passion France Knives- Historic Hand Made Compa...
Phone? Check. Wallet? Check. Keys? Check. Knife?….. A good knife is the sign of a life well lived; each handle, each blade telling the story of the owner. Since the...

Aero Leather Clothing 1950's College Jacket
Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat; right now Aero Leather Clothing are producing some of the finest leather jackets in the world. For three decades the family-run...

Mr. Mike Hodis - Rising Sun to Runabout Goods
For those who've known us a while now, you'll know that when we first opened our doors over three years ago there was a certain brand that was on our...

Triumph & Disaster In Store Presentation
Tomorrow night, Thursday the 22nd of September, we'll be hosting the good people of Triumph and Disaster for an evening of facial treatments and quality drinking. Join us from 6pm...