We've just added Men's File Magazine to our online store and Issue 13 is now available to purchase alongside a limited supply of back issues. Men's File has played an important role in the development and inception of our store and continues to be a constant source of inspiration with each issue published.
For the last four issues Men's File Magazine has been published in Japan alongside the very excellent, and similarly themed, Clutch Magazine. Coming out only twice each year it now comes bound together with the current issue of Clutch and is packed full of visual goodness to inspire and inform.
The Men's File Project, as it has become known, is all about finding and recording the goings on in various factions of life and style around the globe. The aim is to provide a chronicle of collectors, makers, brands, products, enthusiasts and more. Focussing mainly on heritage, vintage and revival style for the main part, the folks at Men's File are not ones for standing still and looking back - they actively seek out the new and innovative in their chosen realm - all whilst keeping themselves firmly rooted in classic style.
Men's File Magazine's Editor in Chief - Nick Clements
From clothing and girls to classic and custom motorcycles, style subculture and historic re-enactments to denim and all of it's associations, Men's File is a 'Bible' for those with a sartorial bent and an appreciation for good things built to last.
Early issues now go for big money on ebay, and we can understand why. Having purchased issue 03 around 5 years ago, we rejoiced at finally finding a magazine with an understanding of our taste and interests. Since then, and now with Clutch Magazine alongside, Men's File have continued to deliver amazing content and visual inspiration with every issue. If you haven't experienced Men's File yet, do yourself a favour and pick up a copy online or in store - it will not disappoint.